Few Irritating questions I have to answer forcefully



1. What is your qualification?
my ans. are you helping me with a job now?

2. Why science to management to training?
my ans. meri marzi- my wish

3. Tu Madrasi hai? Mother tongue kya hai tera?
my ans. Pink..koi problem hai?

4. At my native (I ve hardly been there 5-6 times) โ€“ Hey why is your name so different from that of ours?
my ans. enga amma-appa ku daan teriyum

5. Oh, you pierced your nose according to our tradition, how dee?
my ans. none of your biz!

6. You are tall and fair, you wear a kada, are you a Punjabi?
my ans. no, I am an Indian

7. You have so many talents hidden in you, are you multitasking?
my ans. paise bachariyun – saving money!

8. Your momz a fashion designer, how come you turned out to be a nerd? Why are you so simple?
my ans. my mom is simple, so am I ๐Ÿ˜€ โค

9. ย Why are you still single, Want to marry or not?
my ans. I ve given that job to my parents, they’ll take careย ๐Ÿ˜€

10. Oh you’re a vegetarian, You don’t eat egg also?
my ans.yeah, I am, that is the reason you people are alive today! ย ๐Ÿ˜€ย ๐Ÿ˜€ย ๐Ÿ˜€

P.S. Without people asking these questions, probably you wouldn’t know much about yourself!

4 thoughts on “Few Irritating questions I have to answer forcefully

  1. meenu iyer shravanthi akka โค u awesome! i wish i could talk that way. but sadly nekku appidi pesa varadhu :/

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